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The main purpose of the establishment of this Jamia is imparting religious education. It is


There was no notable institution of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah especially establish


The religion, Islam encourages the acquisition of all knowledge that is useful for human be

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We at Jamia Hazrat Fatima

The Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings be upon him) said, کلکم راع وکلکم مسئول . In view of this holy hadith, it is our responsibility to come forward serve, as per our abilities, the community, the society and the religion. This life is temporary. One day, we have to give an account of the boons and bounties given to us by Allah. Moreover, it is a man's deed and his character that keeps him alive after death. Therefore, it is important that we leave such an imprint of our abilities in life that becomes a continuous charity for us and proves to be our provision in the life hereafter.

Jamia Hazrat Fatima is the academic reflection of this pure thought of ours, which is, in just three years, perfuming the region with the fragrance of its existence. I did not realize while laying its foundation stone in 2019 that so many hands of cooperation would come forward to support its construction. But the support of sincere friends started pouring in and soon the construction of the ground floor with its roof was completed. The Maktab was also started and within no time the number of students increased to 72.

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About Jamia

We at Jamia Hazrat Fatima

The existence of women is a great reward of Allah Almighty. It is the presence of women that makes the universe colourful, adds beauty and glory to the human life and brings grace and luster in the life at home. Being a daughter, a sister, a wife or a mother, she is always the source of delight and the reason of hearty cheerfulness in the family. With her stepping into the world, the doors of Allah's Mercy open for her father and mother. As she grows she reigns over the hearts of brothers. When she becomes a wife, she gets the invigorating good news: ھن لباس لکم وانتم لباس لھن and she acts as a protector of half of her husband's faith. On becoming a mother she enjoys a special place in the Quranic Verses such as  وَ بِالْوٰلِدَیۡنِ اِحْسٰنًا …  فَلَا تَقُلۡ لَّہُما اُفٍّ وَّلَا تَنْہَرھُمَا  …  وَقُلۡ لَّہُمَا قَوْلًاکَرِیۡمًا … and  وَ اخْفِضْ لَہُمَا جَنَاحَ الذّ

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